Tips for Freelancers

Content Batching 101

Content Batching 101

Plan 1 month of content in 1 day!

“My feed has no consistency”   “It’s too time consuming to post”    “I never know what to share!”

These are all common pain points for IG users who don’t content batch. Content Batching is when you spend 1 single day mapping out your entire IG feed (posts, captions, hashtags etc). Why? To save time overall, to keep your aesthetic consistent, to have a concise strategy, and to ensure you are posting the best possible content for your audience!

Here is part one of the Socially Kailee Guide to content batching!

Photo by Tainá Bernard from Pexels

1) Calculations

The amount of posts you need to create will depend on your post frequency (are you posting daily? Once a week? etc.) For example: I post 2-3x a week so I know that for a month’s worth of content, I will need (3 posts x 4 weeks) 12 posts max for the month.

2) Research and Topics:

To figure out WHAT to post you should create a document brainstorming all the possible content ideas you want to cover. Break those topics down even further to offer more post opportunities (I call this a content dump and it’s so handy!). If you aren’t very imaginative you can search content ideas on any search engine (IG, Pinterest, Google, Blog posts). I store all my ideas in one document that I can pull from. You should keep it updated by researching current trends, or asking your followers for input.

Here is an example of a content generator tool:

3) Analytics are your friends:

In order to create content that performs well, you should take stock of your previous content. Which posts performed the best? Which posts received the most saves, reactions? You can use this to create similar topics OR repurpose old content.

3) Templates:

 To keep your feed consistent you should have an aesthetic strategy involving your brand colours. Have a few post templates created that you can just insert photos or infographic information on. Canva is a free resource that offers tons of IG Post templates.

4) Scheduling Apps:

Use apps like PLANOLY or LATER to organize your entire feed for the month. They are so easy to use and keep everything aesthetically consistent. Not only can you schedule what days you want to share your posts, but you can also store all your hashtags in the apps and have them pre-applied to your posts. If you have a business account you can even use automated posting if you know you can’t be on instagram when you need to post.


5)Shot or Stock Lists:

Once you have all your content ideas and templates ready to go, you should create a shot list to take all the pics for your feed or gather your stock images. See Part 2: How to SHOOT all your content for the month.